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Thursday, September 6, 2012

About Photoshop Burn Tool


In this tutorial we will learn about second Toning Tool Burn Tool.

This tool is used to darken the areas on which we paint or drag.

1.  Open an image. To do this go to File Menu and click on open option or simply press CTRL + O and browse image from your hard drives and press ok.

2.  Then select Burn Tool from Tools Panel or simply press SHIFT + O in keyboard.

3.  After selecting Burn Tool, you will find some options in options bar.

(A)  HIGHLIGHTS: If we select Highlights options, then lighter areas will be affected i.e lighter areas will be darkened.

(B)  SHADOWS: If we select this option, then darker areas will be affected i.e darker areas will be even more darkened.

(C)  MIDTONES: If we select this option, then middle tone(i.e color between light and dark colors) will be affected i.e darkened.

(D)  EXPOSURE: Always use lower values to get better result.

Here I have set 50% Exposure value and selected Range as Midtones.

4.  Now click and hold down mouse left button and drag over the areas which you want to make darken.

Here I have darkened eye brows, eyelashes and eye ball.

5.  Now look at the final result.


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