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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

About Photoshop Paint Bucket Tool


This tutorial deals with the Photoshop Paint Bucket Tool.

This tool is used to fill an area of an image based on the color similarity of the pixel on which we click.

1.  Open an image which contains only a background.

2.  Then select Paint Bucket Tool from Tools Panel or simply press SHIFT + G.

3.  After selecting the tool you will find some options in options bar.

(A).  FILL: Foreground color means currently selected color or pattern. If we select Pattern , then different types of pattern sets will be appeared in Pattern Picker. If we select a Pattern and click in the image that pattern will be filed in the image

(B).  MODE: These Blend modes fill color which blend in or combines with the beneath or background.

(C).  OPACITY: If this value is set to lower then, after filling the color with Paint Bucket Tool, the background color will be partially visible.

(D).  ANTIALIAS: By default this option is checked. This option will make smoother edges.

(E).  TOLERANCE: By default this value is set to 32, means Paint Bucket Tool fills the color in the pixel on which we click plus pixels that are up to 32 shades darker and 32 shades brighter like the Magic wand Tool.

If we set this value to 64 means Paint Bucket Tool fills the color in the pixel on which we click plus pixels that are up to 64 shades darker and 64 shades brighter.

If we set this value to zero then the Paint Bucket Tool fills color only in the pixel on which we click.

(F).  CONTIGUOUS: By default this option is checked. This means if there are two same colors separated by another color in an image and if we click on anyone of the same colors then only that color will be filled with the Paint Bucket Tool when we click on that color.

If this option is unchecked and if we click on anyone of the same colors, then both same colors will be filled with Paint Bucket Tool.

(G).  ALL LAYERS: This option works much similar to CONTIGUOUS. But in this case same colors which are present in different layers will be filled at a time.

By default this option is unchecked. This means if we click on any color with Paint Bucket Tool then only that color which is present in that layer will be filled.

Here I have 3 layers and I clicked on Pink color. Then only that pink color which is present in that layer will be filled with Paint Bucket Tool.

If we check this option and if we click on the color of any layer, then that same color which is present in all the layers will be filled with Paint Bucket Tool.

Here I clicked on Pink color, then all the pink colors which are present in 3 layers were filled with Paint Bucket Tool.

NOTE:  If we click on "Lock Transparent Pixels icon" in Layer palette, then the transparent areas will not be filled by Paint Bucket Tool.This tool also do not work on Bitmap images.


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