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Friday, September 7, 2012

About Photoshop Sponge Tool


In this tutorial we will deal with the final Toning Tool, Sponge Tool.

This tool is used to saturate(intensifying color of) or desaturate (dulls or decreasing color of) areas on which we paint or drag.

1.  First open an image. To do this go to File Menu and click on open option or simply press CTRL + O and browse image from your hard drives and press ok.

2.  Then select Sponge Tool from Tools Panel or simply press SHIFT + O in keyboard.

3.  After selecting Sponge tool, you will find some options in options bar.

MODE: It contains Two options. We can work with these two options individually.

(A)  Working with Desaturate Mode:

4.  First select Desaturate option. This option dulls or decreases the color and makes the image black and white or turns the image gray.

5.  After selecting Desaturate option, click and hold mouse left button and drag over the areas which you want to make black and white or gray.

FLOW: If we want to apply the Desaturate effect 100%, then set this value to 100%. If we set lower value, then we will need multiple clicks to apply the mode effectively.

Here I have selected 100% Flow value and desaturated second kid.

6.  Now look at the image which have desaturated with Sponge tool.

(B)  Working with Saturate Mode:

7.  First select Saturate Mode.

This option intensifies or increases the color levels and makes the image more colorful.

8.  After selecting Saturate option, click and hold mouse left button and drag over the areas which you want to make more colorful.

FLOW: If we want to apply the Saturate effect 100%, then set Flow value 100%. If we set lower value, then the saturate effect will be applied less effectively and we will need multiple clicks to apply Saturate mode effectively.

Here I have set 100% flow value and I have intensified the colors of Frock hands, water bottles and lips of the beautiful kids.

9.  Now look at the image which we have saturated with Sponge Tool.


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