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Friday, August 24, 2012

About Photoshop Magic Wand Tool


In our previous tutorial we have completed with Magnetic Lasso Tool. Now we shall deal with The Magic Wand Tool.

This tool is one of the oldest selection tools in Photoshop. Unlike other selection tools, this tool selects object based on TONE and COLOR.

This tool helps a lot in selecting large areas with solid color. To understand this tool, follow the steps.

1.  First open an image. Here I took an image which contains two same colors (gradients) separated by a solid blue color.

2.  Then, select Magic Wand Tool from Tools menu. It looks like a magic stick. Follow the image.

3.  Now keep cursor on solid color (here blue color) and click once. Now see the magic that the entire blue solid color has selected with Magic Wand Tool.

Magic Wand Tool associated with some options in options bar which allows us to understand Magic Wand Tool more clearly.

(A)  TOLERANCE: By default Tolerance value is set to 32. This means Magic Wand Tool selects the pixels of the same color of the area on which we click plus the pixels that are up to 32 shades darker or 32 shades brighter. Now, look at the image we initially clicked on yellow color, but Magic Wand Tool selected the light yellow color on which we clicked and 32 shades of red and 32 shades of green color.

If Tolerance value increased to 64, then Magic Wand Tool selects the yellow color on which we clicked and also 64 shades of red and 64 shades of green.

If Tolerance value is set to 0 or 1, then Magic Wand Tool selects pixels of the single color on which we clicked.

(B)  CONTIGUOUS: By default this option is checked. This means, if there are 2 same colors separated by another color in an image and if we click on any one of the same colors then that color only will be selected.

If this option is unchecked and if we click on any one of the same colors, then both colors will be selected. Follow the image.

(C)  Sample all layers: by default this option is unchecked. This means, when we are working with multi layered image of colors and if we click on any layer of color (red in my image), then only that layer of color will be selected even though there are other layers with the same color.

If you check this option and click on any layer of color, then all the layers which contain same color will be selected.

NOTE:  If you want to select all layers by checking sample all layers you have to uncheck contiguous option.

(D)  ANTI-ALIAS: this option allows photoshop to smooth the edges of selection. By default it is checked.

Now we have to earn practical knowledge of working with Magic Wand Tool.

4.  Open an image. Here I took a mountain with a pleasant sky.

5.  Now select Magic Wand Tool. Then click anywhere in the image which you want to select. Here I want to select the sky and replace it with a new sky.

6.  Here Magic Wand Tool selects only the solid color and will leave lighter areas if any. So to select the lighter areas we have to select “ADD TO SELECTION” option from options bar. Now click on areas which are not selected. Here in my image I clicked at 4 areas indicated with “ +” symbols.

7.  Now the entire sky is selected. Then go to Layer Palette. If you can’t find Layer Palette, press “F7” in keyboard. In Layer Palette you may find, that your layer is locked. Just double click on the layer and press ok to unlock that layer.

8.  Now press delete key in keyboard.

9.  Now open another image which you want to add to the selection. Here I took an image with full of clouds. Now press CTRL+A to select the entire image and press CTRL+C to copy the image.

10.  Now get back to old image and press CTRL+V to paste the copied image. Now you may find that new image (layer) completely covered the old image (layer). So, press CTRL+”[“ to push the new image (layer) behind the old image (layer).

Now we have done magic with Magic Wand Tool. Look at the image now.


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