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Sunday, August 26, 2012

About photoshop Patch Tool


This is also one of the Healing Tools. But in this case we have to define the selection or area which should be repaired or healed.


We have to make a patch which should be repaired or healed.
This tool mainly works on torn clothes or clothes with stains, damaged walls or larger scratches on skin etc.

How to work with Patch Tool?

1.  First open an image. Go to file menu and click on open option. Now browse image from your hard drives. Here I took a shirt with yellow stain marks.

2.  Now select Patch Tool from Tools Panel. Right click or hold down mouse left button on Spot Healing Brush Tool. A drop down menu appears. Go down and select Patch Tool. Follow the image.

There are two methods to repair the damaged areas or stains.

(A) Working with “SOURCE” option.

(B) Working with “DESTINATION” option.

(A)  Working with “SOURCE” option:

By checking this option we will be able to make problem area as a patch and move this patch over the “fine area” which with the problem area should be repaired.

3.  First select Patch Tool. Now check the SOURCE option in options bar.

4.  Now click and hold mouse left button somewhere around the problem area or stain and draw an outline around the problem area or stain.

5.  When you reach to the initial point, release your mouse button to make the problem area or stain as a patch which needs to be repaired.

6.  Then, put cursor inside the selection (patch) and hold mouse left button and drag the selection to the “fine area”. Then release your mouse button. 

7.  Now problem area or stain will be replaced with fine “source” area.

NOTE:  Just press CTRL + D to deselect the selection.

(B)  Working with “DESTINATION” option:

By checking this option we will be able to make “fine area” as a patch and move this patch over the “destination” (problem area) which should be repaired with this “fine area”.

8.  First check “Destination” option in options bar. If we choose “Destination” option, we have to first select “fine area” (patch) which we want to sample from and drag this selected area or patch over the problem area or stain which needs to be repaired.

9.  After selecting Patch Tool, click and hold mouse left button at anywhere in the “fine area” and draw an outline which suits to the problem area or stain.

10.  Then put cursor inside the selection and hold down mouse left button and drag the selection or patch over the problem area or stain. Now you will see that the target problem area or stain is replaced with “fine area”.

NOTE:  But working with “SOURCE OPTION” is the better one than working with “DESTINATION OPTION”.

11.  In my image a little stain is still remained. Now I have to work with “Source option” because it is the better one. Check this option in options bar. Then, click and hold mouse left button somewhere around the problem area or stain and draw on outline as we did before.

12.  Now put cursor inside the selection and hold down mouse left button and drag the selection or patch over the “fine area” as we did earlier. Now press CTRL + D to deselect the selection outline.

We have successfully healed or repaired problem areas or stained areas with Patch Tool. Now compare both healed and old images.




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